
Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2014

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
January 22, 2014

Attendance: (9
` in attendance)  Brooks Rimes, Paul Bassette, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Tom Witkowski, Norm Hahn,

Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee

Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM  
Lion Fred – Pledge
Lion Brooks – song
Lion Paul - prayer.

Recognition:  For 15 years of service – Lion Tom Rusert.

· Request from SABAH for a donation.  We no longer donate to SABAH.
· Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids- February 23, 2014 Noon-6 PM at Buffalo Brew Pub, basket raffle, benefits the Sisters

Hospital Neonatel Care Unit.  Annual donation is in the budget.
· Check for $100 Lion Brian Perry from Akron NY in Memory of Larry Furnia.  Secretary Annette will send him a thank

you note.
· Letter from Lion Lois Kaminski thanking the club for the $1000 donation to VBSF.

Eye Ball – March 1, 2014.  Cost of tickets are $150/person, proceeds will be for the Ross Eye Institute.  Lion Tom W

asked members to chip in a$ 5 donation so that our club can donate a basket.

Scholarship:  Lion Paul $2,000 in scholarships generally 4 $500 scholarships.  Lion Paul would like to increase the total

to $2500, thereby giving 3 $500 and 1 $1000 scholarship.  There would possibly be a $1000 scholarship given to an

individual that did unusual or outstanding community service.  This may not necessary be awarded every year.  Motion: 

That the Club would raise the total scholarship fund to $2500, subject to sufficient funds from the Christmas Tree

fundraiser.  Seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor, none opposed.  Motion passed.

GI Dispatch proposal – Lion Tom W.  Tom proposed that Niagara Frontier Radio reading Services.  Vision Beyond

Sight, Ann Stadelmaier Fund, Ross Eye Institute and other organizations that we support be able to set up booths to

provide information regarding their programs at the spaghetti dinner.   Lion Tom made a motion that we invite the

service organizations to set up a table at the Spaghetti Dinner, and that the club, provide them a free dinner.  All in favor,

motion passed.

Dues Payment- Lion Dick will make the clubs dues payment.

Lion Tom W, proposed that we have the Niagara Frontier Publications announce the clubs meetings date and speakers.

 Discussion regarding whether or not our meeting are by invitation only.  Therefore, the announcement would be

informational only with a contact name if someone is interested in attending our meeting.

Upcoming meetings and events:
Merrittan- April 9, 2014
April 23, Sherry Shaw from Ross Eye Institute.
Spaghetti Dinner Date April 28th

Free Money:  Brandel/Murphy Youth Foundation (BMYF) $2000 grants are given away annually to support youth related

events.  Lion Tom W proposed that we apply for this grant to give to Miracle League.  Lion Tom made a motion was

made to apply to the BMYF for this grant.  Seconded, Tom R, all in favor, motion passed.

Special Spaces:  Request for $100, This donation will provide for paint and closet storage supplies toward a Grand

Island teen with Epilepsy and Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Lion Tom has also been in contact with Gui’s Lumber and they will

help with the donation of the supplies.  Motion that the Club donate $100 to go towards the room, seconded by Lion

Paul, all in favor, motion passed. 

NYS Bermuda Lions Foundation Tickets $100 per ticket, the prize is $20,000  The club has 3 tickets in which the club

would be able to give an Uplinger Award.  Lion Brooks:  The drawing for the prize is in April.  Lion Tom: motion was

made to send this to budget, seconded Lion Anne, motion passed.

Lion Tom W.  Lion Tom informed our club that our club raised part of the matching funds from the 50/50 that was held at

the Miracle League (ML) playground fundraiser last summer. ML will allow us to use what they have raised as the

remainder of the matching funds in order to obtain the Brandel-Murphy grant. According to JR Wynne ML is working on

fundraising an additional $25,000 in order to get it matched by an anonymous

Update:  Lion Tom R. told the club that Lion Bill Wind is at RPCI receiving treatment. Lion Tom will send a card on behalf

of the club.  Lion Diane Dubiel sister passed away last week, we will ask Lion Mike to send a card on behalf of the club.

Meals on Wheels, Lion Anne needs to switch her date due to a conflict. Lion Tom will switch.

Lion Tom W. - Check for $21 for scrap to the club.

Motion to adjourn 8:30 PM, seconded all in favor.

 Next meeting Valentines Day Meeting:    February 12th at Byblos Niagara.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
February 26, 2014

Attendance:  (9  in attendance)  Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski,  Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette,  Norm Hahn, Tom

Rusert, Fred Ruocco, Al Ackerman, Donna Lavallee

Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Split Club:  We will forgo until the first meeting in March.

Mail:  Student Volunteers for Optometric Service to Humanity – request for donation $50-$500.  We will not make a

donation for an organization that is so far out of our region.  This organization is in Tennessee.

MD 20 In regard 4/24 – 4/27 State convention in Lake Placid $30-$900 advertisement in the booklet. The consensus is

that will not advertise at this time.

Presentation:  There will be no presentation for this meeting.

Eye Ball:  This event will be this Sat March 1.  There were enough tickets sold to break even, all other money raised will

go to the Ross Eye Institute.

Merritton 75th Anniversary event on March 8, 2014 $30 per person.  The invitation is still open for members of our club. 

Currently there are 5 members going. The speaker will be Carl Young an international director.  Lion Tom Rusert

mentioned that at the 65th anniversary attending clubs presented donations.  Lion President Brooks made a motion to

make a contribution of $75 in honor of their anniversary. By seconded by Lion Anne.  All in favor.  Motion passed.

Club Officers:  Tom Witkowski:  Club officers for 2014-2015 is due by April 15th.  The nominating committee needs to

replace 1 year directors, Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn, recording secretary, and lion tamer, tail twister, and 3rd vice

Lion Norm Hahn stated that he will re-up as director. 
Lion Al will return as lion tamer
Lion Fred will return as tail twister
Lion Tom W will take over recording secretary.
We need to ask Lion Annette if she will return as corresponding secretary, Lion Dave to re-up as a director and Lion

Dick to re-up as Treasurer.  The committee of Paul, Tom R., Tom W and Al will meet prior to our next meeting at Byblos.
Peace Poster:  Lion Paul, concerns; No entries from St Stephens and only 16 entries from Dulak’s class at Connor

Middle School.  Lion Paul contacted Mr.Dulak at CMS in regards to whether or not he wants to continue.  He likes the

program and would like to continue.  Lion Paul needs a motion to purchase the Peace Poster kit for this coming year at

a cost of $15 and that we give appreciation gift to Drew Dulak tickets to our spaghetti dinner, Seconded by Tom R, all in

favor, motion passed.

Spaghetti Dinner: Lion Tom will send out letters to the agencies that we contribute to participate with a display on their

organization or foundation.

Scholarship Program:  Lion Paul has previously requested that we raise the monies to $2500, with perhaps an

additional $500 given to an individual who has demonstrated exemplanary community service.  Lion Paul was contacted

by his Pastor at St. Timothy that has been a donation by Al Pollack of $450 to be used towards scholarships.  Lion Paul

requested that the club contribute $50 to balance out the scholarship fund to $2500.  Lion Anne made a motion to

contribute the additional $50, seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor, motion passed.

Fundraising Idea:  Lion Brooks spoke to us about a club in Toccaca, Georgia that produces a calendar that they use as

a fundraiser.  Pictures are the top 12 Peace Poster’s for that community and the community birthdays and anniversaries

of those who purchase the calendar.  The issue with our club is manpower to produce this calendar.  The members

agree that the calendar is beautiful; however, we lack the manpower to produce it at this time.

The Melvin Jones Committee will meet the first part of April; the recipient will be someone from the community.  Lion

Paul, Lion Dick and Lion Dave are part of this committee.  The committee will report on the outcome in the second

meeting of April.
Next Meeting:  Young Life leader Kevin Kulikowski.

Merritton Meeting April 9th

Meeting adjourned 8:46 PM
Respecfully submitted, Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Regular/Board Meeting Minutes March 26, 2014 Buffalo Launch Club
Attendance: Lions Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco,

Paul Bassette.

Call to order at 7pm by 2nd VP Rusert.

Pledge to the flag led by Lion Crawford.

Patriotic song was not sung due to meeting in adjacent room.

Invocation performed by Lion Bassette.

Split Club drawing was not performed. Motioned by Lion Rusert, seconded by Lion Crawford.  Motion carried.

Release of Tail Twister motioned by Lion Fahning, seconded by Lion Bassette.  Motion carried.


Old business:

Christmas Tree Sales: Lion Sean Kelly will report at next meeting.  According to Lion President Brooks Rimes, a check

for $1,600.00 will be presented at April 23, 2014 meeting.

Eye Ball: Lion Witkowski reported the gala was a success with financials given after the Vision Beyond Sight

Foundation meeting in April.  The club had donated a gift basket with a “Decadent” theme: wines, chocolates, meats,

cookies, and crackers.  It was valued at $130.00 and auctioned for $210.00.  Lion Witkowski escorted PDG Kimberly

Stribing and children to the stage to speak on behalf of the family accepting the first humanitarian award that was to be

presented to PCC Jeff Stribing who passed away two days prior to the event.  The gala was deemed to be a celebration

of his work.  Dr. Faruk Koreishi was presented the first ophthalmology award.

Merritton Lions 75th Anniversary: Lion Bassette reported that Lion President Rimes and Partner-in-Service Brenda

attended along with Lion Witkowski and Lion Bassette with his Partner-in-Service Judy.  The Merritton Lioness Club

co-celebrated their 65th anniversary.  All enjoyed a great time.

Nominating Committee: Lion Bassette reported the following nominations for the Lions year 2014-2015: President: Lion

Donna Lavallee; 1st VP: Lion Rusert; 2nd VP: Lion Mike Steinagel; 3rd VP –open-; Treasurer: Lion Crawford;

Corresponding Secretary: Lion Annette Boies-Lobl; Recording Secretary: Lion Witkowski; Tail Twister: Lion Ruocco;

Lion tamer: Lion Ackerman; 1-year Directors: Lion Fahning, Lion Bassette: 2-year Directors: Lion Norm Hahn, Lion

Dave Chervinsky; Immediate Past President: Lion Rimes.  Nominations will be finalized next month at the Merritton

Lions meeting on April 9th.  Motion to close nominations made by Lion Crawford, seconded by Lion Bassette.
Correspondence/New business:

Independent Living Center: Gala announcement, $75 pp.  A basket donation was requested No motion made.

Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service: 27th Anniversary announcement, $25 pp.  Lion Witkowski motioned a $50.00

donation, withdrawn after Lion Fahning motioned a $100.00 donation be made. Seconded by Lion Witkowski. Motion


Membership: Lion Bassette will be inviting a prospective member.

Buffalo League of Sightless Bowlers: Request for an ad by PDG John Shaffer.  Lion Witkowski related what the league

does and his experience with the group. Motion by Lion Fahning to donate $100.00, seconded by Lion Witkowski. 

Motion carried.

Special Spaces Buffalo: Thank you letter received by Co-Director Beverly Olsen and an invitation received for a fashion

show fundraiser at Salvatore’s.  No motion made.

Treasurer Report: Lion Crawford reported $700-$800 exists in our General Fund and $5100 in our Welfare Fund.  The

Welfare Fund is slightly less than last year.  This fund will be in better shape once the Spaghetti Dinner takes place and

the check from the Christmas Tree Sale is received.

Lion Bill Wind: Lion Rusert reported that he will have a bone marrow transplant in April due to his leukemia diagnosis. 

The donor was a 10 out of 10 match.

Spaghetti Dinner raffle baskets: Lion Fahning requested all baskets be received by April 15th so they can be properly

prepared before then.  Baskets will also be accepted at the time of the dinner.

Spaghetti Dinner displays: Lion Witkowski reported that UNYTS, in combination with the Cullen Fund, and Special

Spaces Buffalo have accepted.  Brief backgrounds and volunteer/employment opportunities will be supplied to The

Dispatch prior to the event.

Spaghetti Dinner: Lion Crawford reported needing help mounting signage.  Present Lions posed for promotional photo.

Miracle League Fundraiser: Lion Crawford reported that Lion Shelia Ferrentino and Lion Witkowski will be selling 50/50

raffle tickets at the Buffalo Sabres-Tampa Bay Lighting game on Saturday, March 29.

Motion to adjourn: Made by Lion Fahning, seconded by Lion Bassette.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Committee Reports/Board Meeting:  May 28th 2014

Discussion on when would be the best time to hand out the service awards.  Lion Henry made a motion that we

recognizing the longevity Lions awards at the installation dinner.  Seconded by Tom R.  All in favor, motion passed.
Lion Paul; Clarification of the Melvin Jones second award $1000 goes directly to LCIF by the anonymous donor.  The

intent was that 3 out of 4 years the award should go toward a member of the community that has exhibited humanitarian

service. Discussion regarding these stipulations by the members at large, details and reservations were discussed. 

Lion Dave shared minutes from the 8/21/11 board meeting.  Minutes reflected 3 of 4 years the award would go to a

member of the community.  The lack of transparency is an issue.  Lion Henry made a motion that decisions made by

committees be approved by the board.  Seconded by Lion Tom W.  Discussion.  Motion withdrawn by Lion Henry.  Lion

Tom W suggested that the entire membership of the club make suggestions to the committee regarding

recommendations for recipients for the Melvin Jones/Robert Uplinger Awards committee.  Seconded by Lion Dave.  11

for, 2 opposed.  Motion passed.
 Installation dinner 6/11/14 at the GI Holiday Inn, 6 PM for Cocktails and 7 PM for dinner, spouses and significant others

are invited.

Motion to adjourn Lion Brooks seconded by Lion Henry meeting adjourned 9:01 PM.

Next general meeting will be June 11, 2014 at the Holiday Inn. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board Meeting Minutes
July 23, 2014
Lion President Donna Lavallee’s home
Attendance: Lions Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Donna Lavallee, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Annette Boies-Lobl, Anne Fahning. 

Excused:   Lions Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:11 PM.

Committee reports:

Special Kids’ Picnic:  Chairwoman Boies-Lobl reported estimated expenses were $4,392.45. Volunteers totaled 110.  She suggested that guest should be directed to other picnic venues instead of waiting in line.  The boat owners ensured that everyone would get a ride.  A recommendation was made to lower the amount of portable toilets at the picnic.  Lion Boies-Lobl will write the thank-you letters to the all those involved with the picnic.  Lion Crawford volunteered to have the boat owner plaques engraved.

White Cane Day:  Chair Lion Henry Lobl has announced that our fund drive will occur Friday and Saturday, August 15th and 16th.

Treasurer report:

 Treasurer Crawford reported $12,915 in our Welfare Account and $385 in our Admin Account.  When he completes his audit, he will present it to the Audit Committee.

Membership update:

 Lion Rathbun has not paid as yet and has not been dropped due to his involvement with our White Cane drive.  Lion Sean Kelly has been dropped with regret.  Lion Tom DeCarlo has been reinstated without loss of service credit.  Board members expressed concern with the Christmas tree sales at Kelly’s store now with the loss of Lion Kelly.  President Lavallee will contact Lion Mike Steinagel to learn of his intentions with his proposed LEO and Branch clubs.

Lions S.E.E. (Screening Eyes Early) program:

 President Lavallee has contacted all preschools except St. Timothy’s.  She will contact them about the program.  She has not heard from St. Stephen’s.  She has learned that the Grand Island Cooperative Preschool is interested in the program with 72 children. Sidway principal Denise Dunbar has informed her that approximately 100 children will be entering kindergarten this year.  They will be coming to school for orientation from August 11 – 21.  Lion Witkowski will look into getting cameras to be loaned while we explore funding our own possibly at our White Cane Day.  He stated that can apply to the various Lions-related foundations for funding; explore the feasibility of sharing the costs of the $7,000 SPOT camera with our fellow zone clubs; host another fundraiser; or seeking donations from our members and our members’ neighborhoods for additional donations.  President Lavallee also handed out fliers and brochures explaining the S.E.E. program.

Program ideas:

President Lavallee suggested the following groups and/or individuals to speak at our club: Lions S.E.E., Grand Island Fire Department, UNYTS, Town Supervisor Mary Cooke (with her husband and former Lion Jeff as suggested by a board member), Teddy Linenfelser of the Grand island Historical Society, Meals on Wheels, Relay For Life Chairperson, New York State Sheriff’s “Yellow Dot” emergency notification system, Reverend Paul Robinson and the C.R.O.P. (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Walk, and autism awareness presented by teacher Kevin Murray.

New business:

Lion Witkowski reported that the new International President Lion Joe Preston has requested all clubs to participate in submitting one million acts of service to the International’s website.  Details are being worked out as how to easily do this. 

Lion Witkowski reported on the sales tax issue is being worked on at the state multiple level. 

Lion Bassette recited from several thank you letters received from our scholarship winners.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned with eyeglass and hearing aid sorting following.  The club collected 585 whole eyeglasses for the Lions New Jersey Recycling Center and 9 eyeglasses missing one or both lenses and 153 eyeglass cases to be donated to the Olmsted Center.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski


Grand Island Lions Club
Board Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2014
Lion President Donna Lavallee’s home
Attendance: Lions Annette Boies-Lobl, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Mike Steinagel, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski.

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.

Committee reports:

Membership update: Lion Chervinsky reported that he hasn’t heard back from anyone regarding any changes for the club directory.  President Lavallee requested her email be the Gmail account due to problems with Roadrunner service. Lion Boies-Lobl stated we are registered with 31 members with the International.  We cannot count Paul Krupa until the transfer paperwork is received.

Third VP position: President Lavallee stated that Lion Henry Lobl offered to take the position but we never voted on it.  Lion Witkowski motioned Lion Henry be elected 3rd VP.  Lion Lobl wants to have members commit to the club unless someone wanted to fill the position.  Lion Crawford questioned if the club needs a 3rd VP unless Lion Lobl really wants it.  Lion Chervinsky stated that Lion Henry wants to be more useful to the club.  Lion Ackerman commented that all we need is a VP to fill in for a missing president.  Lion Bassett stated VPs are needed to run the various projects and that moving to president is a learning curve Henry is well experienced at.  Lion Boies-Lobl recommended the Nominating Committee approach Lion Henry but the club has nothing to gain by having the position.  Lion Chervinsky commented it’s getting harder to find Lions to move up.  Lion Lobl would be the first “recycled’ president.  Lion Witkowski stated that many clubs have their presidents serve two years.  Lion Boies-Lobl stated she and Lion Lobl are available via phone and email.  No second was requested.

Special Kids’ Picnic:  Chairwoman Boies-Lobl reported estimated expenses were $4,392.45. Volunteers totaled 110.  She suggested that guest should be directed to other picnic venues instead of waiting in line.  The boat owners ensured that everyone would get a ride.  A recommendation was made to lower the amount of portable toilets at the picnic.  Lion Boies-Lobl will write the thank-you letters to the all those involved with the picnic.  Lion Crawford volunteered to have the boat owner plaques engraved.

White Cane Day Report:  Lion Crawford reported we were $1225.15 over the budget amount of $1500.00.  Sometimes First Niagara wasn’t covered.  Lion Crawford commented about a senior (Zack) at the high school who is very active in our functions and was a great help in this year’s drive.  Lion Bassette had another contribution of $20.00 making the total $2745.15.  Comments included that it isn’t so bad doing it once your done and meeting up with people you haven’t seen in a while.  Lion Boies-Lobl thanked all who served.  Article appeared in Dispatch thanking the public.  Lion President Lavallee stated we should advertise more.  Lion Ackerman had to explain to a donor that we don’t hand out White Cane bookmarks.  Someone told him that we’re soliciting when we hand out the cards.  Lion Witkowski stated that it is not since we are simply passing out information of what we do.  Lion Bassette questioned where we have eyeglass collection sites.  President Lavallee stated we have one at the library town hall, senior center, Knights of Columbus.  We also collect at Grand Island Optical and via Lion Fred Ruocco’s practice. Lion Bassette’s thinking is that we are identified with things that we do by having an eyeglass collection box at places we collect.  President Lavallee will look into the cost of additional boxes. 

Lions S.E.E. Program: President Lavallee has not heard back from the program regarding borrowing a camera; further she does not know if they have a screener to borrow.  She will be talking to the Town of Niagara club (through PDG Bob Shively).  It is a very viable program for our club to do but not necessary that it be done this fall.  Her position is that the Ross (Eye Institute) should own screener and it is they have a lot to gain through referrals.  If we do borrow the camera we can make a donation to the Town of Niagara Lions for using it.  There is interest in the program via two pre-K centers. Sidway’s kindergarten program has a lot of students in it where their pre-K does not.  Lion Witkowski talked of his experience with screening on the Island.  He suggested we contact Lion Paul Peters who does the screening for the Town of Niagara club.  He is a Grand Island resident.

District Zone Report: President Lavallee apologized for arriving late to the Cabinet Meeting resulting in Lion Witkowski to be fined for his cell phone ringing when President Lavallee attempted to call him.  Lion Boies-Lobl commented that the club is already recording as part of the “100 million acts of service” between now and the Lions 100th anniversary.  Lion Crawford asked if giving out a piece of medical equipment is an act of service.  It is, but Lion Boies-Lobl has no way of knowing it.  She requested she be emailed when Lions Fred Ruocco, Chervinsky, or he do this.  Lion Crawford stated that he’s given items out of the Loan Closet in the last two weeks.  An aside is that the Loan Closet smells of urine and that it needs to be cleaned out.  Lion Steinagel questioned and was it informed where the closet is located.  Lion Witkowski reported that the Tuscarora Nation is looking for our excess items and that he will contact them.  The Recreation Department takes most of the items into the closet without contacting us resulting in excess items being stored there including things we don’t need.  We’re storing food in there also which we shouldn’t according to Lion Witkowski.  Food items should be donated.  Lion Witkowski reported from the Cabinet Meeting that our club should start considering doing something special to celebrate Lions 100th anniversary in 2017.

Committee Chair update: President Lavallee reported that Lion Shelia Ferrentino is interested in serving on the Nominating Committee.  She also reported that Lion Tom Butler s asked to consider doing eyeglass collections.  She has not heard back from Lions Gerry and Diane Dubiel regarding serving on the Sunshine Committee to keep in touch with the club and other Lions.  President Lavallee called Lion Eduardo Payan to serve on the 4th of July committee by simply submitting the application for the parade.  She has asked Lions Pat Patterson and Ross Kaiser to become more involved with the club’s activities.  She still has to work on publicity, eyeglass collection and 4th of July.  Comments indicated Lion Patterson would make a great emcee at the spaghetti dinner.  Questions were raised regarding our participation with the Christmas tree sales.  President Lavallee will compose a letter to former member Sean Kelly who ran the sale with half of money raised coming to our club.  Our status as a beneficiary of the sales is currently murky.

Journey For Sight:  Chairman Witkowski reported the deadline for sponsorships and tee shirt orders has been extended.  Lion Witkowski reported that the rough spots at the Royalton Ravine will be avoided and that PDG Jim Luckman will ensure our safety when navigating the walk.  President Lavallee and son George will be attending with Lions Lobl and Chervinsky with their dogs.

Olmsted “Eye Opener” Tours: President Lavallee wanted to know if anyone is interested in attending a tour.  Hours do not match our meeting times (September 17th is a Wednesday with the tour time of 4 – 5 pm).  She is interested in attending.

Meeting sites:  Lion Crawford discussed that it would be $20 a meeting at Buffalo Launch Club that includes the meal, split club, and tail twisting.  Nothing has been confirmed as yet BLC with Byblos-Niagara.  The club officers made a change in management of the restaurant.

Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Crawford submitted report on expenses and balances of our funds:
   Welfare fund ending balance as of 8/27/14: $5,432.29
   General fund ending balance as of 8/27/14: $1,650.75
 Discussion followed regarding the Special Kids’ Picnic cost at $4,637 per Lion Boies-Lobl (Chairman).  Costs for popcorn and face painting have increased but have been in line with the difference between last and this year being not more than $200.00.  We did not pay the Niagara Experience players because they haven’t submitted a bill yet.  Lion Crawford is expecting Bon-Ton, the Spaghetti Dinner, Adrian Pollack funding and others will bring our Welfare balance up again.  No motion was made to accept.

Spaghetti Dinner:  Discussions included the timing of our dinner with competing organizations.  Lion Crawford suggested April 20th or 27th.  Questions also raised the availability of Lions Dan Morabito and Tom DiCarlo to make the spaghetti sauce.  Lion Steinagel raised concerns of Lion Morabito being there all day.  A redeeming factor is our ability to get in to setup on Sunday.  Lion Crawford will look into the dates with Byblos-Niagara.

Programs:  President Lavallee has been in contact with Reverend Paul Robinson and the C.R.O.P. walk and was invited to speak prior to the walk but there is a conflict with his schedule and ours especially with the District Governor’s visitation on September 24 and Reverend Paul away during our first meeting.  The Merritton twin meeting will be held on October 8th at the Knights of Columbus hall with the Riverstone restaurant doing the catering.  Lion Boies-Lobl will send an email to all members regarding the meeting.  President Lavallee stated that the next twin meeting will take place at Merritton in April.  There was discussion about the actual date and she will follow up on it.

Miracle League:  Lion Steinagel felt it was fitting to make a donation to the family a player who recently passed away. After much discussion regarding the future of our involvement and recognition in our involvement in getting the field built, a banner will be purchased honoring past, present and future players.  To maintain the 3’ x 7’ banner’s presence every year, it will require the club to pay a stipend of $500 per year, which includes the cost of the banner.  Motion made by Lion Boies-Lobl, seconded by Lion Witkowski.  Motion passed unanimously.

Joint fundraiser with Rotary:  President Lavallee discussed meeting with Rotarian Gary Roesch.  Lion Crawford stated we have been down the road before with the event eventually being stopped.  Lion Steinagel suggested a game dinner at the Rod and Gun Club with Lion Pat Patterson at the helm.  A Monte Carlo also resulted in dwindling participation by the joint club and decreased attendance.  Lion Steinagel will present information, including a menu, on a game dinner that has raised $150,000 over a ten-year period.  There are two game dinners in the area with raffles of firearms and other items.

Taste of Grand Island:  Potential to serve as club exposure.  We can also sell items as a fundraiser.  With the $150 fee plus the cost of items to sell, we might just break even.  Consensus was to wait another year.

Call committee: Lion Bassette felt it is time to appoint other people to serve on the committee.  Suggestion that Lion Krupa be appointed to the committee in order to familiarize himself with other members.  President Lavallee will contact him.

Melvin Jones Award from anonymous donor:  Lion Bassette contact donor about the issues discussed at a previous meeting.  The donor would no longer make the contribution if it caused dissention in the club.  Lion Bassette seeking support of the board to continue this support.  Lion Witkowski stated that the board had previously voted that nominations would be brought to the board to avoid the situation.  Lion Boies-Lobl suggested that an email be sent from the committee to all members with nominees and that a nominee would be the Buffalo Launch Club who has served us since 1961.  Lion Bassette stated that we should nominate a recipient for a Robert J. Uplinger Award.  He felt that there is currently not an Uplinger in the bank. 

Lion Bill Wind Sr. update:  Lion Rusert updated the board on his health.

Journey For Sight: Lion Witkowski requested two more votes, other than the five obtained via email, were needed to secure a sponsorship for the club.  All present approved it.

Brockport Special Olympics: Lion Boies-Lobl reported more votes are needed for board approval of $100 to sponsor an athlete.  Lion Boies-Lobl hasn’t brought items before the board that dealt with asking for funds to place an ad in programs.  She made the motion again since she did not receive sufficient responses via email.  Lion Rusert seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Adjournment:  Lion Rusert motioned; Lion Bassette seconded.  Passed.  Meeting ended at 8:58pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski


Grand Island Lions ClubBoard Meeting
Minutes September 24, 2014
Buffalo Launch Club
Attendance: Lions Norm Hahn, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Mike Steinagel, and Lion Candidate Honglin Fan.

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 8:49 pm.

Audit:  President Lavallee said that Lions Brooks and Lobl were going to set a date to get it done before the end of the month.  However, Lion Brooks could not at that time.  Previous minutes from prior years indicated that it was done as late as December. 

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Crawford stated that it was emailed to all board members.  He reported we would be receiving $1,100 from the Community Foundation (formerly Lions Blind and Charity Fund).  We don’t have any huge expenses.  The budget is 75% completed and will be ready for the next board meeting.  He also stated that we have the BonTon and our spaghetti dinner fundraisers coming in the future.  President Lavallee doesn’t have speakers coming up that would request a donation unless we receive correspondence.  We would vote on that as we go along.  She questioned whether we need a budget committee.  Treasurer Crawford said we do need one and that several members have worked on it in the past.  A board meeting will determine final disbursements.  Budget is flexible to handle situations as they arise.  Lion Crawford stated that we have always had a contingency.   Our fines and split club have always maintained a reserve.  As of January 1, 2015, meals will climb to $20.00.  Lion Steinagel asked if there was ever a line item for a professional audit.  Lion Crawford said it always has been done by an accountant in our club.  There is more reserve in the Welfare than in the General.  President Lavallee wants to be on the Budget Committee.  Lion Crawford stated she is since she is the chairperson for the committee.

Correspondence:  As stated during the regular meeting, none was received.

Loan closet: Lion Crawford donated one that was very dirty before he cleaned it.  He recommended that all donations must be received cleaned.  Lion Witkowski is awaiting a call from Neil Patterson of the Tuscarora nation regarding what they want from our loan closet.  Lion Hahn said he has a wheeled walker with a seat.  He was requested to bring it to Lion Crawford’s home.

Christmas Tree sales:  Lion Ruocco questioned about our future involvement with it.  Lion Crawford received a call from Sean ad that he will meet with him.  Lion Ruocco felt that we put money into the operation paying for the sign and baler.  Lion Crawford stated that Kelly’s took the money out prior to their donation to us to pay for those items.  Lion Bassette went to volunteer but was told he wasn’t needed there.  President Lavallee felt it would be nice if we maintained a presence there especially during busy times on weekends.  Lion Chervinsky felt handing out brochures explained what part of the sales were used as funding to organizations we support.  Kelly’s may knowledge where the brochures are. 

Spaghetti dinner:  President Lavallee stated that Lion Morabito would continue making the sauce.  Concern for his health were evident.  It was suggested that he sit there while others did his work.  Lion Crawford talked of limitations as the amount of people that were allowed in the kitchen.

Meetings:  Lion Crawford requested notification in the club newsletter that meals will be increasing to $22.00 on January 1.  They will include the meal, dessert, coffee, tax, gratuity plus the fine and money for split club.

Lion Candidate Honglin Fan: Lion Witkowski motioned that the board accept her as a Lion.  Lion Crawford seconded.  Motion passed.  Her check was submitted to Lion Crawford; her application will be mailed to Lion Boies-Lobl.

Lion Paul Bassette reported that Helen Czora has passed away.  She was the wife of former Lion and charter member Joe Czora.  She died last week at the age of 86.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lion Bassette, seconded by Lion Witkowski.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Lions Club Board of Directors’ Meeting 10/22/14

Attending Lions Al, Paul B. Dave, Dick, Tom,  Anne,  Annette,  Brooks, LP Donna.
 1.Welfare Budget-
Draft reviewed and discussed. Olmsted was added. Mercy Flight removed. The Board wants to see the budget items more in keeping with our mission.
 2. District 20N Proposal for each Club to sponsor a fundraiser for Camp Badger, SEE and the  Bermuda NYS Foundation.
Discussion held.
Lion Anne made a motion not to sponsor a fundraiser for this project but to consider these organizations as the Club has done previously. Motion 2nd  by Lion Brooks. Passed with no nays.

 3. Venue for meetings and Spaghetti dinner was discussed
Historical society is the Nov. speaker. Dick will check to see if we can meet at River Lea and have the meeting catered. Date is Nov. 12.
Christmas Party will be held at the Buffalo Launch Club. Date is Dec. 10.
Other venues were discussed for the meetings and spaghetti dinner and will be investigated.
Motion to Adjourn by Lion Anne with 2nd by  Lion Brooks.
Respectfully submitted by Lion Annette


Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2014 McMahon’s Restaurant
Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl, Anne Fahning.

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 8:54 pm.

Eyeglass collection boxes:  Lion Witkowski motioned, President Lavallee seconded to purchase the boxes from the International store at a cost approximately $82.00 for 10.  Passed unanimously.

Christmas party:  Cost is $20 per person.

Meetings in January through March:  President Lavallee proposed that we meet once a month during that time specifically the fourth Wednesday at the Buffalo Launch Club.  Lion Crawford stated that the BLC will be open during that period.  Board members present agreed.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Fahning, second by Lion Witkowski.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:01 pm.

Respectfully submitted,?
Lion Tom Witkowski
